Grand Canyon – Trail of time
In all my travels throughout the U.S. and outside it, I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as the Grand Canyon. My favorite national park may always be Yellowstone because of the diversity that’s contained in one park (it even has the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone) but for pure beauty there’s nothing that compares to Grand Canyon National Park. This park is located approximately 90 minutes north of Flagstaff, AZ and whatever time you have to spend there is well worth it. There are many trails that intersect and even go down into the canyon. This hike is an easier one as it’s on flat pavement and the Park service has added shuttle pick up points all around it.
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The hike began at Kolb Studio and we traveled approximately 3.5 miles to Maher point and the visitor’s center there. The most amazing thing that I’ve learned about the canyon is the light affects it more than any other natural beauty I’ve seen. You can go to the point at different times of the day and it will look completely different.
The trail is also known as the “rim trail” and this trail runs along most of the south rim of the canyon. The trail of time is only .7 miles of the 3.5 miles we covered and it’s called the trail of time because they take you through the geological formations of the canyon.
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In many places along the way you can look across the canyon and see the formation or type of rock they are talking about.
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The trail, the way we walked takes you from the youngest rock “Kaibab Limestone” (only 270 million years old) to the oldest “Elves Chasm Gneiss” a mere 1,840 million years ago.
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The walk is punctuated by incredible views and often you are standing, or can stand, right on the edge of the canyon.
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There are plenty of places to stop along the way, one of our favorites was the geology museum at Yavapai Point.
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After spending time in the museum and getting refreshed with some water, the trail continues for only .7 more miles.
The views you can see each step of the way will take your breath away and although this is an easy hike I would give yourself at least 4 hours to complete it.
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You can easy spend one whole day just meandering down this trail and taking in the sites.
If you want to know more about this or any other hike I’ve been on feel free to contact me – Bill icon smile Grand Canyon – Trail of time
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