London – Where Modern Times and History Meet
On a recent trip to London I found some time in between meetings to wander through the streets. I couldn’t help but notice that there’s not one particular architectural style. And that there’s a lot of modern buildings amongst the historical ones. But somehow it doesn’t look unpleasant and it’s actually a nice combination that seems to fit the character of the city. Some buildings in London even date from before the Great fire of 1666, which destroyed a great part of the medieaval city… On my little stroll through some streets near trafalgar square I just kept looking up and around, almost bumping in to some people on the street whilst taking photos icon smile London   Where Modern Times and History Meet
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Because London isn’t just known for all its main tourist attractions, but also for quite a few rainy days, it was time for me to find some place warmer and drier. And there’s lots of choice for doing that.
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As a born Dutch girl I was delighted to see this lonely bike on the street. I’ve tried to cycle around London once on a Boris Bike. And I must say that was quite an adventure and a bit different from cycling in The Netherlands icon smile London   Where Modern Times and History Meet
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