Azerbaijan – Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls
Whilst in the Gusar region of course we had to go look at some of the mesmerising local scenery. From way down in the valley you drive up past Shahdag Ski Resort and beyond up over the mountain pass. Snow and ice, a mountain pass and a little village nearly 2000m above sea level, time for the four wheel drive only again. Laza sits nestled beneath the mountain tops. In summer all green and plentiful, in winter, especially in winter, feeling more remote but with its beautiful surroundings changed to white. The Caucasus are full of hidden communities way high in the mountains, a prime example of extreme, remote and high we had visited at Xinaliq the other day.
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PC190365 Laza Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls
There are numerous huge waterfalls cascading straight down the mountain sides in summer. In fact this area is a destination for many an adventure seeker in the know. Hiking, nature, remoteness, trails, mountains, climbing and more. In winter the tall waterfalls turn to ice and bring a whole new specatacle. A walk out from the village it was then to see one…
PC190369 Laza Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls
For the last couple of days I had been in the shadow of Mount Shahdag, the highest point in the vicinity. The highest ‘unclimbed’ summit in Azerbaijan and The Greater Caucasus at 4,243 m (13,920) feet. The cliffs are so steep and the winds so high that there is no chance at all of a summer climb. The nearest anyone has come is in winter, using the huge frozen waterfalls that fall off the edges.
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DSC 1977 Laza Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls

It really was a beautiful day to add to the wonder of the excursion. An area I can wander and wander for hours.
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PC190379 Laza Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls
My friend Elshad in just shoes was hiking like a snow pro icon smile Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls
PC190390 Laza Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls
I look forward to returning with camera and hiking boots in the summer. Laza and the trails are back on the list, I haven’t finished with it yet icon biggrin Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls
PC190360 Laza Azerbaijan   Up to Laza and the frozen waterfalls